Emergency Response for the Poorest Groups Against COVID-19

Distribution of health baskets to the poorest groups for protection against epidemics, including the coronavirus.

Icon August - August 2020

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 1000 Beneficiary 560 أناث | 440 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

The Youth Without Borders for Development organization concluded the activity of launching and distributing health baskets to the poorest groups for protection against epidemics, including the coronavirus.


Activity Results

The launch was attended by the Director of the Social Affairs Office, the Deputy Director of Security for Neighborhood Affairs, and the Deputy Director of Health, who praised the importance of the project in mitigating the spread of diseases. The number of beneficiaries reached 1,000 people, and the activity was widely welcomed by the beneficiaries, who provided recommendations to expand it to target a larger number of beneficiaries in upcoming phases.


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