Youth without borders publications
Perpetuate, youth without borders, to the export of the source and the producer of the knowledge and expertise for politicians and strategies directed to the youth and peace -building programmers, in a manner that guarantees the design of the promotions, policies and interventions that meet the needs of youth and women, so the arrival of the seat and the approach to the sharing is followed by the arrival of the operation. J in all its programs in the strategic vision featuring of the organization 2-20.All References
From Crisis to Opportunity: Youth and Women's Inclusion in Decision-Making
Sharakat Project
A Policy Paper Highlighting Challenges and Opportunities for Youth and Women in Yemen

Strengthening resilience and the role of youth in responding to the climate crisis.
Sharakat Project
A Policy Paper on the Role of Youth and Women in Decision-Making

Youth Voice and Representation in Political Participation in Yemen
Sharakat Project
A Policy Paper Addressing Barriers and Opportunities for Youth in Yemen’s Political Process

Shaping Yemen’s Future: The Role of Youth in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
shrakat Project
A Policy Paper Exploring Youth’s Potential in Yemen’s Peacebuilding Processes