9 Review

From Crisis to Opportunity: Youth and Women's Inclusion in Decision-Making

Sharakat Project
27 Page
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About Reference

Yemen has been engulfed in a humanitarian crisis since 2015, exacerbated by political instability and economic collapse. This policy paper explores the essential role of youth and women in Yemen's recovery and development. The document examines challenges such as limited resources, restricted civil spaces, and social norms, which hinder their participation in decision-making processes. It also highlights opportunities for empowering these groups through education, leadership programs, and economic initiatives.

The policy paper provides actionable recommendations for stakeholders, including international organizations, to create inclusive platforms and strengthen the capacities of youth and women. By fostering collaboration among local, national, and international actors, the document envisions a path for youth and women to play a pivotal role in rebuilding a resilient and prosperous Yemen. 

For more insights and detailed recommendations, refer to the full policy paper.

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محمد الشني

فكرة جميل و متميزة و بالعلم وهمت الشباب نرتقي


اسامه يحي محمد حسن المطري

حلو وجميل جدا


عبدالقادر نجيب الشميري

فكرة رهيبة لتمكين الشباب وان شاء الله تحدث تغيرات ضخمة عن قرب


حسين عمر صالح بالطيف

فكره جميله فالشباب هم ثروة المجتمع وهم الطاقه القادره على تغيير الواقع ومشاركتهم في الحياه السياسيه معهم جدا لضرورة الأمن والسلم الدوليين وأخراج قيادات للمستقبل


ابوبكر الفظلي

شكرا نحن تفاؤل


ملاك عادل عبدالعزيز احمد المقطري

تجربة الاشياء الجديدة، وتعلم اي شيء جديد.

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