About Us

A non-governmental non-profit organization that seeks to empower youth socially, starting its activities as a public, economic and political informal youth group As a civil non-governmental organization on April 15, 2013, 2011, then officially registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor with license No. 4 of 2013 Law No. 1/2001


Our Vesion


The first platform for youth and peace programs in Yemen


Our Message

Youth Without Borders works with passion and professionalism in order to provide a conducive environment for young people to play more roles. Effectiveness in public life and peacebuilding in Yemen. Based on our belief that youth are a major player In the process of public decision-making, we seek to empower them through smart and sustainable programs that we launch In designing it from the Yemeni reality and we are implementing it in cooperation with our local and international partners For community work that serves youth and launches Perfect Youth Without Borders works with passion and professionalism in order to provide a conducive environment for young people to play more roles. Effectiveness in public life and peacebuilding in Yemen. Based on our belief that youth are a major player In the process of public decision-making, we seek to empower them through smart and sustainable programs that we launch In designing it from the Yemeni reality and we are implementing it in cooperation with our local and international partners For community work that serves youth and launches Perfect


Our Values

▶ Specialization ▶ Total Quality ▶ Participation ▶ Impartiality

Strategic Objectives

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Total Quality

Adopting Total Quality Methodologies and Excelling Over Competitors

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Youth Effectiveness

Influencing the Formulation of Local and National Policies Aimed at Building Peace

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Youth Effectiveness

Increasing the impact and effectiveness of the role of youth in public life in the various governorates of the Republic

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Developing specialized expertise in designing and implementing peacebuilding programs

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Relationship Map

Attaining Regional Status Through Expanding the Map of International Partnerships and Relations

Our Programs and Activities

Strategic Partnerships

شراكات استراتيجية
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Engaging Youth and Women in Peacebuilding

اشراك الشباب والنساء في بناء السلام
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Youth Leading

تنشئة قيادات شبابية مؤثرة
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Influencing National Policy Making

التأثير في رسم السياسات الوطنية
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Combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

مناهضة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي
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دراسات وأبحاث
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المناصرة وكسب التأييد
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تعزيز سلم السلام
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Active Participation

مشاركة فاعلة
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Our Team

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