Improving Mechanisms for Community-Based Peacebuilding

The Peace Ambassadors initiative team, in coordination with the General Authority for Books in Taiz Governorate and the Public Library, launched the Peace and Art project.

Icon October - October 2020

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

With funding from Safariworld and in partnership with the Youth Without Borders for Development organization, the Peace Ambassadors initiative team, in coordination with the General Authority for Books in Taiz Governorate and the Public Library, launched the "Peace and Art" project.

The project aims to provide a visual cultural environment in the Public Library free of charge for everyone in Taiz.


Activity Results

The project aims to raise the community's awareness level by displaying educational cultural films, organizing discussion-based cultural seminars, arranging educational university and school visits, as well as hosting scientific and cultural youth debates.

The event will last for four days, during which cultural films will be viewed and discussed, and books will be discussed, in addition to the debates.

This project comes within the framework of the "Improving Community Peace-Building Mechanisms in Yemen" project, Phase III for the year 2020, implemented by the Youth Without Borders for Development organization and funded by the Safariworld organization.

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