Improving Mechanisms for Community-Based Peacebuilding

Installation of first aid kits in five government schools in Salah District

Icon December - December 2020

Icon Taiz: (Salla District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

As part of the project to improve community-based peacebuilding mechanisms in Yemen, funded by Saferworld and in partnership with the Youth Without Borders for Development organization, the Elite Youth Initiative launched the installation of first aid kits in five government schools in Salah District.


Activity Results

The Elite Youth Initiative launched the installation of first aid kits in five government schools in Salah District, as an extension of the school health and safety project. Prior to this activity, specialized training sessions on first aid and psychosocial support were held for ten teachers from the five targeted schools in Salah District.


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