How to Learn English Easily

A workshop was held at Al-Farouq Secondary Complex for a project to facilitate English language learning.

Icon March - March 2014

Icon Taiz: (Directorate Alqahira)

Icon 20 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 20 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

A workshop was held at Al-Farouq Secondary Complex for twenty students. During the workshop, the students discussed the difficulties they face and what solutions can be put in place to address the problems they encounter.


Activity Results

  1. Providing the opportunity for students to discuss the challenges they face.

  2. Empowering students to find appropriate solutions to the problems they encounter.

  3. Enhancing the students' critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

  4. Encouraging students to actively participate in finding solutions to issues in their community.


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