Empowering women's voices in public life in Yemen

Have the executive authorities (police stations, courts, etc.) contributed to enhancing the security and safety of women in Taiz

Icon December - December 2014

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 39 Beneficiary 24 أناث | 15 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

A youth debate on this topic was held in the National Dialogue Tent in Taiz. Two teams of youth participated in the debate, one arguing that the executive authorities played an active role in enhancing the security and safety of women in Taiz, and the other team against this idea, considering that the role of these authorities was weak and did not contribute to enhancing women's security.


Activity Results

A large number of youth, activists, and civil society organizations, as well as personnel from the executive authorities concerned with security, participated in the debate.
The audience's opinion was evaluated before and after the debate to determine the extent of change in their attitudes, and based on that, the winning team was announced.
The debate contributed to discussing the roles of the security authorities in enhancing the security and safety of women in Taiz, and identifying strengths and weaknesses to strengthen the strengths and work on improving the weaknesses in future projects.


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