Youth Leadership project

Connection and installation of a water network for the collection tank in the village of Al-Deym - Sabr Al-Mawadim District.

Icon November - November 2022

Icon Taiz: (Sabr Al-Mawadim District)

Icon 2 Beneficiary 1 أناث | 1 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

As part of the "Active Communities" project, funded by the Youth Without Borders for Development organization and in partnership with Saferworld, and in coordination with the local authority in Sabr Al-Mawadim District and the Rural Water Office, in addition to the established community committee and the residents of Al-Deym village, the project of connecting and installing a water network for the collection tank in Al-Deym village - Sabr Al-Mawadim District was implemented.

The aim of the project was to solve the existing conflict in Al-Deym village, due to water, by improving the residents' access to rainwater harvesting tank water during the summer and drought season by connecting and installing a polyethylene pipe project, 1-inch diameter, 500 meters long, 16 bar pressure, and creating 11 water distribution points to target all the neighborhoods of Al-Deym village and the residential clusters (Al-Deym, Al-Akmah, Al-Bariq, Al-Sha'b, Al-Karif, Al-Hariq).

This is fed from the collection tank at the top of the village.


Activity Results

The aim of the project was to solve the existing conflict in Al-Deym village, due to water, by improving the residents' access to rainwater harvesting tank water during the summer and drought season by connecting and installing a polyethylene pipe project, 1-inch diameter, 500 meters long, 16 bar pressure, and creating 11 water distribution points to target all the neighborhoods of Al-Deym village and the residential clusters (Al-Deym, Al-Akmah, Al-Bariq, Al-Sha'b, Al-Karif, Al-Hariq).

This is fed from the collection tank at the top of the village.


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