Linkage building project

Evaluation and Analysis of the First Wave of Data Collection and Preparation for the Second Wave

Icon October - October 2022

Icon Taiz: (Several districts)

Icon 34 Beneficiary 16 أناث | 18 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

"The Second Training Workshop within the #building_linkages Project, Aiming to Build the Capacities of Civil Society Organizations and Youth Initiatives to Contribute to Strengthening Community Resilience Strategies and Developing a Youth-Driven Vision for Comprehensive Peace Building in Yemen."


Activity Results

This training aims to enhance the capabilities of youth and work on evaluating and participating in the analysis of the first wave of data collection and preparing for the second wave in the governorates of (Taiz - Aden), through several main areas:

  • Monitoring experiences, challenges, and lessons learned during the first wave of data collection.
  • Monitoring the field team's reflections and observations on community resilience and differences between the regions.
  • Learning about the stages of quantitative and qualitative data analysis in research.
  • Participating in the analysis of the first wave data and identifying data gaps.
  • Training on research tools for the second wave of data collection.
  • Preparing a plan for the second wave of data collection and defining roles and responsibilities."

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