Drama Shows for Peace

The Youth Without Borders for Development organization is implementing the tenth theatrical performance titled Together for Achieving Security and Community Peace in Taiz Governorate

Icon December - December 2017

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 40 Beneficiary 20 أناث | 20 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

"The 'Youth Without Borders for Development' (YWBOD) organization implemented the tenth theatrical performance titled 'Together for Achieving Security and Community Peace in Taiz Governorate', which was executed at the National University. The performance aims to raise awareness on the importance of collective community efforts to improve the security situation and community peace in the governorate."


Activity Results

"The theatrical performance was implemented by the Shamokh Taiz Theatrical Troupe, which includes many stars of the theater. The theatrical performance focused on conveying awareness messages to the attendees so that they can play a positive and united role in improving security and community peace in Taiz Governorate.

This was the final theatrical performance among the ten theatrical performances implemented by the 'Youth Without Borders for Development' organization, where these performances targeted different community groups in various public places."


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