Localization of UNSCR 2250

The organization "Youth Without Borders for Development" implemented a capacity-building program for youth initiatives in Taiz Governorate, focusing on conflict resolution skills.

Icon May - May 2018

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District- - Directorate Alqahira)

Icon 60 Beneficiary 18 أناث | 42 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

With the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in partnership with the "For All" Foundation and the Peace School, the organization "Youth Without Borders for Development" implemented a capacity-building program for youth initiatives in Taiz Governorate on conflict resolution skills, as part of the project "Contributing to the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security".

The capacity-building program aimed to equip the youth initiatives with skills in resolving community conflicts, including studying the context, conflict analysis, stakeholder mapping, intervention design, and writing small project proposals, among other skills that enable these initiatives to design and implement small projects to address existing or potential community conflicts in the targeted districts. Two training courses were conducted in this field, each lasting 3 separate days, which included field visits and data collection by the participating initiatives.


Activity Results

The goal of the capacity building program is to equip youth initiatives with skills in community conflict resolution, including studying the context, analyzing the conflict, identifying stakeholders, designing interventions, and writing small project proposals, among other skills. This enables these initiatives to design and implement small projects to address existing or potential community conflicts in the target districts.

Two 3-day training sessions were conducted, with field visits and data collection by the participating initiatives. The program targeted 60 participants from 30 youth initiatives, 15 from Cairo Governorate and 15 from Al-Mudhafar Governorate.

This activity was preceded by various other activities within the project, such as awareness sessions on UNSCR 2250 and field surveys on community conflicts in the target governorates. The initiatives selected community conflict issues based on the findings of these surveys. Small grants will be provided to 20 initiatives (10 in each governorate) to implement the small projects they have designed.


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