Localization of UNSCR 2250

Implementing a project to solve the problem of sewage overflow in the Al-Dhubua'a area

Icon May - May 2018

Icon Taiz: (Directorate Alqahira)

Icon 30 Beneficiary 17 أناث | 13 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

Funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in partnership with the Youth Without Borders for Development organization, the Hope (Amal) initiative is currently implementing a project to solve the problem of sewage overflow in the Al-Dhubua'a area, Cairo Governorate, as a contribution to resolving the community conflicts that occur from time to time between the residents of the upper and lower Al-Dhubua'a areas due to the problem of sewage overflow. This has led to the outbreak of violent disputes and social tensions between the residents of the two areas. This project will contribute to resolving the conflict and restoring normal life among the residents.


Activity Results

This project is part of the activity of providing funding and technical and financial support to youth initiatives in Taiz Governorate to solve community conflicts, in order to engage young people in peacebuilding.

This activity is part of the project "Contributing to the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security" implemented by the Youth Without Borders for Development organization, funded by the United Nations Population Fund, in partnership with the Foundation for All and the School of Peace.


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