Improving Personal Hygien

The organization Youth Without Borders has concluded the distribution of humanitarian aid to the displaced persons in the Mocha Directorate

Icon June - June 2018

Icon Taiz: (Maqbanh Directorate)

Icon 3365 Beneficiary 1133 أناث | 2232 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

The organization Youth Without Borders for Development has concluded the project 'Improving Personal Hygiene and Providing Safe (Clean) Drinking Water for the Displaced in the Jahir and Bani Saleh Localities of Mocha Directorate', funded by the German Development Agency - GIZ organization, which lasted for a period of two months.


Activity Results

The project included several activities, including a field survey of the displaced persons in the displaced persons' gatherings and villages located within the Bani Saleh and Hajir localities of Mocha Directorate. Based on the results of the field survey and verification of the displaced families and their living conditions, 200 hygiene kits, 200 water filters, and 50 plastic tanks (25 tanks with a capacity of 1,000 liters and 25 tanks with a capacity of 2,000 liters) were distributed. The distribution process was accompanied by an awareness campaign on the importance of personal hygiene for disease prevention and improving the health status of the displaced and host communities.

It is worth noting that the number of beneficiaries of the project reached 3,335 individuals (1,157 adults and 1,655 children from the displaced population, and 196 adults and 327 children from the host communities).

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