Women roles in Community Peace

Shabab Bila Hudud (Youth Without Borders) is implementing a discussion session on the role of women in promoting civil peace and moderation, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Icon July - July 2018

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 20 Beneficiary 10 أناث | 10 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

In partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Shabab Bila Hudud (Youth Without Borders) organization for development today implemented a discussion session titled "The Role of Women in Promoting Civil Peace and Moderation" with the participation of 20 participants from different community groups and those experienced in this field.

The session aimed to shed light on and gather ideas and proposals related to enhancing the role of women in promoting civil peace and moderation in local communities, and the relationship between empowering women socially and economically in this regard.

The session began with a speech by the president of the Shabab Bila Hudud organization, Mr. Majed Al-Khaleedi, in which he thanked the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for its presence and interest in implementing activities in the field of enhancing the role of women to play an active role in improving civil peace and moderation in Taiz Governorate. He also thanked the participants for their attendance and interaction in this session.

This was followed by a speech by Mr. Mahmoud Qia'ah, program director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Yemen, in which he thanked the participants for their attendance and introduced the Friedrich Ebert Foundation as a German institution working in Yemen in various development fields, including social justice, women's empowerment, and youth, and the institution has implemented many projects and activities at the level of the Republic of Yemen.


Activity Results

During the session, many topics related to enhancing the role of women to play an active part in improving civil peace and moderation were discussed, and there were several recommendations on each point of the discussion to be formulated in a report to serve as a reference for the relevant organizations and parties to adopt activities and projects that contribute to enhancing the role of women in this aspect.

It is worth noting that the Youth Without Borders for Development Organization is a civil society organization established in 2013 and operates within the Republic of Yemen with the aim of building the capacities of youth of both genders and empowering them to play an active role in all areas of life. It has previously implemented several activities in Taiz and some other governorates in the Republic of Yemen.

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