Active Communities Project

The qualitative training for youth and women's initiatives

Icon June - June 2022

Icon Taiz: (Al-Qahira, Salla, Al-Muzaffar, Sabr Al-Mawadim)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

From our belief in the role and contributions of youth and women in conflict prevention and resolution, as they are a key part of the comprehensive peace process and influential peace builders, with reference to the UN Security Council resolutions: "2250, 2419, 2535" and the United Nations Youth Strategy 2030; Therefore, Youth Without Borders works with great generosity through its programs and activities to develop the capacities of peace builders as individuals or youth groups to increase their effectiveness and involve them in resolving conflicts in their local communities.

This is embodied in the "Qualitative Training for Youth and Women's Initiatives" within the "Active Communities" project, which is being implemented by the Youth Without Borders Organization with funding from Saferworld, in the districts of: (Al-Qahira, Salla, Al-Muzaffar, Sabr Al-Mawadim).


Activity Results

The training includes building the capacity of the initiatives in the following areas:

1️⃣ Conflict sensitivity
2️⃣ Gender
3️⃣ Advocacy and lobbying

Within the framework of engaging youth in conflict resolution and the comprehensive peace process in Yemen.


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