Our Activities are Coexistance

Conclusion of the Cultural and Artistic Activities for Peace and Coexistence

Icon September - September 2022

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

"Conclusion of the Cultural and Artistic Activities for Peace and Coexistence 🕊️ at Taiz University" as part of the "Our Activities are Coexistence" project, which is implemented by the "Youth Without Borders" organization in partnership with Taiz University and with funding from GIZ and the European Union.


Activity Results

The "Youth Without Borders" development organization held the closing ceremony for the activities of the "Our Activities are Coexistence" project at Taiz University. The closing ceremony included various artistic performances, as well as the second theatrical performance. The volunteering students and participants in the activities were honored, in addition to honoring the winners from the university students in the cultural competitions and the Peace and Coexistence Drawing Exhibition.

Congratulations to everyone!


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