Linkage building project

The First Training for Youth Initiatives and Civil Society Organizations from the governorates of Aden and Taiz (in the field of research and data collection).

Icon June - June 2022

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 34 Beneficiary 16 أناث | 18 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

Stemming from the strategic vision of the Youth Without Borders organization, which aspires to become the primary platform for youth programs and peacebuilding in Yemen, and believing in the role of youth as a key player in decision-making and the comprehensive peace process in Yemen, we seek to empower them through smart and sustainable programs that are designed based on the Yemeni reality.

The Youth Without Borders organization, in partnership with the Interpeace organization for peacebuilding and with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and with the participation of the Youth Consensus for Peace and Security, held "The First Training for Youth Initiatives and Civil Society Organizations" from the governorates of Aden and Taiz (in the field of research and data collection).


Activity Results

This came as part of the "Building Linkages" project, which aims to include more diverse stakeholders at the community level to enrich peacebuilding strategies and practices in Yemen, by specifically focusing on enhancing the capacities of youth and engaging them in the knowledge production process; to contribute to raising the needs and voices of local communities, youth, and women to decision-makers at the local and national levels.

The training sessions included analyzing the context in the cities of Taiz and Aden, identifying the key community issues, as well as discussing the conceptual framework of community resilience for peace and the youth's vision of peace. This was followed by focused sessions on the methodology, ethics, and skills of field research.

The training lasted for 3 days, during which a data collection plan and quality control were prepared and presented. This will lead to the design of qualitative interventions to be carried out by the partner initiatives and organizations in their respective governorates


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