Project for the Restoration of Educational Institutions in Taiz

A discussion session on the mechanism of advocacy and support within the project for the restoration of educational institutions in Taiz.

Icon February - February 2019

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

This morning, a discussion session was held at the headquarters of the Youth Without Borders for Development Organization in Taiz (central Yemen) on the mechanism of advocacy and support within the project for the restoration of educational institutions in Taiz Governorate, which the units of the National Army use as their headquarters.

In the workshop, which was attended by representatives from the Office of Education, teachers, students, journalists, women, and leaders in the army, security, and activists, they all valued the sacrifices of the heroes of the National Army and the security services in defending the city, and appreciated the circumstances that forced them to be present in the educational institutions as temporary headquarters, especially in the early years of the war on Taiz, and that they have evacuated a number of them while continuing to stay in some of them, many of the reasons for their continued presence in them have now disappeared.


Activity Results

The participants affirmed that it has become imperative for the relevant authorities, represented by the local government, the Ministry of Education, and the leadership of the national army, to seriously study the situation, taking into account the war conditions experienced by Taiz Governorate, and to find suitable alternatives for the transition of the national army to it and the evacuation of schools. If this is not possible, and for reasons assessed by the concerned authorities and imposed by the current stage, safe and prepared buildings will be provided to accommodate the students, ensuring the proper functioning of the educational process without affecting the level of academic achievement.

Muhammad Ghalib, the representative of the Center for Economic Studies and Media and the project coordinator in the governorate, said that through the project of restoring educational institutions, we in the network of civil society organizations aim to activate the educational process in all schools, serving the students and the community, and thus contributing effectively to the restoration of state institutions as a whole.

Ghalib emphasized that we are proceeding with this project in accordance with the vision prepared by the network of civil society organizations in Taiz Governorate, as a contribution from them to the restoration of the spirit of life and optimism, while at the same time warning against the exploitation of the project implementation period by attempts by some to deviate it from its intended course.

At the end of the discussion session, the participants came up with a set of recommendations, the most important of which was the formation of a committee from the participants to contribute with the network leadership in communicating with the concerned authorities and coordinating with them to find appropriate solutions for the implementation of the outputs of the workshops and activities related to the restoration of educational institutions.

This discussion session is part of a series of activities implemented by the network of civil society organizations in Taiz Governorate, in coordination with the Center for Economic Studies and Media.

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