Active Communities Project

Aware Youth Against Drugs

Icon December - December 2022

Icon Taiz: (Sala Directorate)

Icon 35 Beneficiary 19 أناث | 16 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

“The Impact of Our Resolve” initiative: “Aware Youth Against Drugs” project.

The project aims to contribute to reducing the spread of drug abuse among young people in Salah District, Taiz Governorate


Activity Results

The project aims to contribute to reducing the spread of drug abuse among young people in Salah District, Taiz Governorate, through the following:aOverview:

Partner with the local Information Office to conduct TV-based awareness campaigns.
Develop and distribute educational posters targeting the general community, with a focus on school students.

Strengthening the capabilities and capabilities of the security authorities to carry out their role in combating drugs in the directorate.
Implementing awareness campaigns targeting young people about the dangers of drugs and ways to prevent them



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