Furthering YPS Agenda in Yemen

A training course on Advocating for Youth Engagement in Peace and Security in Aden.

Icon May - May 2019

Icon Taiz: (ِaden)

Icon 25 Beneficiary 13 أناث | 12 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

بدعم من صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان (UNFPA)، بدأت منظمة شباب بلا حدود للتنمية دورة تدريبية في "مناصرة إشراك الشباب في السلام والأمن" لعدد 25 شاب وشابة، وذلك ضمن مشروع "الدفع بأجندة الشباب والسلام والأمن في اليمن" الذي تنفذه منظمة شباب بلا حدود في 6 محافظات.


Activity Results

The project aims to promote and advocate for the role of youth in peace and security in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. This training course aims to equip the youth with skills and knowledge to enhance their role and engagement in peacebuilding and security at the local and national levels.

Prior to this training, a training of trainers was conducted for 20 young men and women from 4 governorates (Taiz, Aden, Marib, and Hadramaut). These trainers will now train the 25 young participants in this course that has just begun. The trainers will also conduct the same training course in the remaining target governorates.


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