With Uniforms, Weapons can be Carried

The Open Dialogue between Local Communities, Local Authority Leadership, Security, and Military

Icon June - June 2019

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

As part of an advocacy campaign titled "With a Military Uniform... I Carry My Weapon" implemented by the Borderless Youth Development Organization in partnership with the Police Department of Taiz Governorate, which aims to regulate weapon carrying in the governorate, an open dialogue was held today between local communities, local authority leadership, security, and military officials to discuss the regulation of weapon carrying in Taiz Governorate.

The objective of this dialogue is to create a partnership and shared understanding between community members, official authorities, security, and the military in order to improve the security situation in the governorate by regulating the random carrying of weapons. This will be achieved by generalizing and obligating all military and security personnel to not carry weapons without wearing the military uniform.


Activity Results

During the meeting, Majid Al-Khulaidi, the President of the Borderless Youth Development Organization, delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of strengthening the relationship between local communities, local authorities, security, and military entities in order to enhance security in the governorate. He commended the cooperation provided by these entities in their partnership with civil society organizations to improve the general situation in the governorate.

Additionally, Colonel Samir Saleh Muthanna, the Assistant Director of Taiz Police for Residential Affairs, delivered a speech highlighting the importance of this campaign and the significance of the partnership between local communities and official, security, and military entities in order to enhance security and stability in the governorate. On his part, Colonel Nabil Al-Kadhi, the Assistant Security Director, shed light on the main obstacles faced by the security institution and the efforts being made to improve the security situation in the governorate.

The meeting was attended by numerous leaders and directors of executive offices, as well as a number of neighborhood elders and community committees. During the meeting, various issues related to the regulation of weapon carrying and the necessity of cooperation between official entities, civil society, and community members were discussed. The meeting concluded with a promise from the Taiz Security Administration to mandate the wearing of official uniforms by all security personnel and to punish any violators.


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