Enhancing Peace Mechanisms in Yemen

Contribution to the rehabilitation and improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the main entrance to the historic Cairo Citadel.

Icon October - October 2019

Icon Taiz: (Al-Mudhaffar District)

Icon 0 Beneficiary 0 أناث | 0 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

Funded by the Youth Without Borders organization and as part of the "Strengthening Peacebuilding Mechanisms" project financed by Saferworld.

Taiz, Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Daerah Youth Group launched the project "Contribution to the rehabilitation and improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the main entrance to the historic Cairo Citadel," which aims to promote the values of coexistence and community peace in the area.


Activity Results

Providing an aesthetic image of the historic Cairo Citadel landmark, which is considered the haven for all the people of Taiz Governorate, through the following activities:

  1. Removal of random trees from the main entrance to the Citadel.
  2. Removal and collection of waste debris and preparation for relocation outside the area.
  3. Paving a part of the dirt road to the Citadel with stones and preparing it for concrete work.

It is worth noting that as part of the "Strengthening Community Peacebuilding Mechanisms in Yemen" project, the Youth Without Borders for Development organization provided a small financial grant to implement projects for 15 initiatives in the second phase.


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