Special Events

Periodically, the organization organizes special events and activities such as conferences, forums, and exhibitions. These events aim to shed light on community issues and connect with relevant stakeholders.

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International Youth Day Event

Increasing the impact and effectiveness of the role of youth in public life in the various governorates of the Republic


Center programs and services

International Youth Day Event

Seminar Titled The Role of Youth in Developing Community Work

The Youth Without Borders Development Organization held a seminar titled "The Role of Youth in Developing Community Work" in conjunction with International Youth Day and the 31-day Youth Campaign, during which two working papers were presented. The first was titled "Youth, Community Work and Volunteering" presented by youth activist Sami Al-Hakimi, and the second was titled "Approaches - The Situation of Youth in Yemen and Security Council Resolutions 2250, 2535" presented by Tamam Al-Shibaani, a youth and peace projects specialist and the Executive Director of the Youth Without Borders Organization. Ala Al-Saqaf also provided a briefing on civil society organizations and working with youth.

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