4 Review

Shaping Yemen’s Future: The Role of Youth in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding

shrakat Project
33 Page
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Yemen’s protracted conflict has left devastating social, economic, and political impacts. This policy paper delves into the untapped potential of Yemeni youth as key players in conflict transformation and peacebuilding. It highlights systemic barriers, such as weak governance, economic instability, and restrictive social norms, while also emphasizing the youth’s innovative capacity to foster resilience and inclusive development.

The paper provides strategic recommendations for stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of integrating youth into peace processes through leadership programs, civic engagement platforms, and economic empowerment.

For comprehensive insights and strategies, explore the full policy paper.

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املاك محمد صالح مسكين

راي لازم نعمل على بناء السلام وتمكين دور الشباب في الحياة السياسية


waleed Abdulziz

رائع. ونتمنى توسيع النطاق


عماد محمد مهيوب الحاج

تحقيق السلام الشامل في ارجاء الوطن هو هدفنا جميعا بلا منافس حتى يتحقق الامن والاستقرار


أحمد عبدالله سعيد عبدالرحمن

عمود الحظارات وركبزه الشعوب هم الشباب فبهم تبنى الاوطان

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