Linkage building project

The Round Table of Community Resilience Actors and Youth Issues

Icon December - December 2022

Icon Taiz: (Several districts)

Icon 2 Beneficiary 1 أناث | 1 ذكور

Icon Activity Completed

About Activity

"round table" was held with representatives from relevant official entities, local and international civil society organizations, with the aim of reviewing the results of a field study on community resilience issues in Taiz Governorate and the vision and needs of Yemeni youth for peace issues in Yemen.


Activity Results

During the session, Mr. Mu'taz Al-Shuraibi, representative of the University Youth Foundation, presented the results of the study carried out in various districts of Taiz Governorate, in which the study's target group expressed the issues and needs that affect their daily lives and community cohesion and resilience.

According to the results, issues of public services, security and justice, food security, the economic situation, and other issues are of priority to the citizen, and their absence or poor delivery have a very significant impact on the individual's daily life, as well as on the social fabric, resilience, and cohesion.

The representative of the Youth Consensus for Peace and Security also presented the results of the field study that targeted approximately 1,765 young men and women, and shed light on the needs and visions of youth for peace issues in Yemen. The study results revealed that there are many issues that have affected the situation of young people during the war period, and also pointed to the priorities of young people to achieve peace in Yemen, and the areas and ways in which actors can increase the participation of young people in decision-making and peacebuilding.

After reviewing the results, the participants discussed the roles that all the relevant parties must work on to contribute to providing these needs and solving the issues that affect the lives of citizens and increase the participation of young people. The session ended with a set of messages for all the concerned parties, starting from the executive offices, local authorities, the government, local civil society, international organizations, and donor agencies.


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